Spenden für die Stiftung Asienhaus

A policy paper on EU-China trade and investment: Competition and Partnership

Commission Working Document, October 2006, 15 p.

From the Conclusion:
'China`s re-emergence will continue to have a major impact on every part of the global economy. It will be felt in people`s daily lives, from the cost of petrol to the price we pay for our clothes. It entails major challenges for global sustainable development. Adjusting to the competitive challenge and driving a fair bargain with China will be a central political and economic challenge of EU trade policy in the decade to come. Europe and China will be increasingly compelled to cooperate on global issues as responsible trade and economic global leaders.
China’s WTO accession in 2001 has provided it with extensive and stable access to foreign markets, notably in Europe. However, European companies, while gaining from China`s growth, continue to face serious barriers to access China`s market. There is a growing risk that the EU-China trading relationship will not be seen as genuinely reciprocal. Political pressure in the EU to resist further openness to Chinese competition is likely to increase if these problems are not addressed, as we are already seeing in the United States.
European trade policy towards China will seek to promote openness and cooperation to mutual benefit, taking into account the significant domestic challenges China faces. Europe seeks reciprocity from China in a trade partnership of equals. It should be accompanied by strong policies to assist those bearing the burden of economic adjustment in Europe. Europe should accept fierce competition. China should ensure that it is fair competition.'


China`s economic revival
The EU-China trade and economic relationship
The benefits of openness
The impact of competition
Obstacles to market access
Conditions of competition
The EU`s response and priorities for action
Insisting on openness
Levelling the playing field
Supporting European companies
Defending the EU`s interests: dialogue first
Building a stronger global relationship
External link


European Union
