The Federal Government's Concept on Asia
(22 Sept. 1993)

I. Developments in and German policy approach towards the Asian-Pacific region

The Asian-Pacific region will have excellent prospects in the 21st century. Politicians and the business community must take account of this. An active policy towards Asia and the Pacific is in our current political and economic interest. lt will also help secure Germany's future. lt is an indispensable element of a global policy geared towards ensuring peace.

More than half of the world's population lives in Asia. With expected annual economic growth of between 7 % and 8 % in the foreseeable future, Asia is the most dynamic growth region in the world.

Japan set the pace. Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and most of the other ASEAN states caught up during the 80s. Now the "greater Chinese economic area" is undergoing a breathtaking upswing. India is opening up more to the world economy. Viet Nam and others will follow suit. In 1960 Asia produced 4 % of the world's GNP, today the figure is 25 % and in ten years' time it may well account for a third of global GNP. Huge markets are emerging for consumer goods and high-quality foodstuffs. Major infrastructural programmes are being launched.

In terms of technology, Asian companies have won themselves a prime position in the world. Asia plays a leading role on the global financial markets. Asia is already one of the most powerful engines of the world economy. This will be even more the case in the next century.

The development of Asia and the Pacific region offers our industry tremendous opportunities today and for the future, but so far we have failed to take sufficient advantage of them. It also poses an enormous challenge for the innovative ability of our enterprises and for our economic policy. Japan, China and India are also major political powers. Tomorrow this will also be true of Indonesia and Korea. In ASEAN the region has one of the best functioning regional organizations.

Throughout Asia we are seeing a marked rise in self-confidence. Individual countries are demanding a greater share in and influence on regional and global developments. This is matched by their readiness to assume more regional and global responsibility.

Global tasks such as ensuring peace, promoting development which respects human dignity, and preserving and regenerating our environment can only be mastered with the govemments and societies of the Asian-Pacific region- not without them and certainly not against them.

Notwithstanding all the positive dynamics of development, poverty remains widespread in Asia, particularly in India, large parts of China, Bangladesh and other countries. Asia is home to the majority of the world's poor. The economic and social divides within individual states and between countries are vast, compounded by cultural, religious and ethnic differences. From these may spring conflicts and thus profound dangers for development and peace in the world.

The countries and societies of Asia and the Pacific have in their diversity developed with a momentum of their own, in accordance with their own laws and within the framework of their own structures. Theit links beyond regional boundaries have, however, become closer than could have been imagined 10 or 15 years ago, primarily on economic grounds and because of the improved net of worldwide communications. Globalization, not only of the markets but also of political events, has become reality for Asia as well. And this is precisely why we, too, are now more directly affected by events and developments in Asia. The players on the Asian and Pacific stage have for their part become more open. Interest in Europe and in Germany has increased, especially in the economic and technological spheres. But political events in Europe, too, are meeting with greater attention.

We must get to know a great deal more about Asia and the Pacific and become more active there. Our policy on Asia and the Pacific must not merely be a reaction to events. On the other hand, if we do not want to overextend ourselves, we cannot become active everywhere and in everything. We must make choices and set priorities in keeping with our interests.

The objectives of our policy on Asia and the Pacific are:

In order to be successful in these goals, we must anchor them in a policy which is acceptable to the majority of Asian and Pacific countries because they can see that it is to their benefit too. We must therefore remain open to the Asian-Pacif ic region in economic and cultural terms and mus.t continue to support modernization and development there. Above all, we must take account of the variety of players on the Asian-Pacific stage and of the cultural, political, social and economic diversity in the individual countries of the region.

In other words, it is a question of developing substantial partnerships which benefit both sides. This is immediately obvious in the economic field. But neither are development cooperation or scientific-technical cooperation a debt on our part, but a contribution towards wide-ranging partnership. The need for a constructive environmental policy must be recognized within the Asian-Pacific region itself and implemented primarily by the responsible agencies there, notwithstanding existing and expanding environmental cooperation. Human rights policy, a policy to promote pluralism and free, predictable political orders in the world cannot be shaped against or without the Asian and Pacific countries, but only in cooperation with them.

The financial repercussions of the Concept on Asia and the Pacific will be covered by rescheduling within the respective itemized plans of the federal budget.

Our relations with Asia and the Pacific are based on a dense, proven network of bilateral relations. We have many good long-standing friends in the region. Our relations with the countries of Asia and the Pacific today are maintained not only by governments, but by a large number of social and political groups. These ties are complemented by an ever-stronger European component as well as relations fostered through the UN and numerous other international organizations and arrangements with Asian-Pacific states.

We can and must build on these foundations. Germany's policy towards Asia and the Pacific is not new. We want to preserve proven contacts and instruments and must expand them.

This applies first and foremost to the political dialogue and, wherever possible, to political cooperation at all levels with the countries of Asia and the Pacific.

In comparison with Japan and the United States, and measured by its presence in other parts of the world, German business is underrepresented in the Asian-Pacific region. With the help of foreign trade and payments policy, it must therefore bring to bear its strengths,

which are recognized in this region, too, and consolidate its position there. This will necessitate, above all, increased direct investment, which is an indispensable prerequisite for the fully effective utilization of regional market opportunities and locational advantages. Business and industry are called upon to take account of these points in their decisions on investment, cooper ation and the expansion of trade relations with Asia and the Pacific. For their part, the countries of the region seek greater industrial and business involvement from Germany, not least as a counterweight to Japan and the USA.

Alongside closer, more broad-based political cooperation and a markedly increased German presence in the region's economy, scientific and technological cooperation is a central sphere for our future policy on Asia and the Pacific. It should be supplemented by cooperation in the fields of environmental protection, agriculture and nutrition as well as telecommunications. Development cooperation is an essential component of our policy towards Asia and the Pacific in virtually all these fields. The cultural exchange will retain its full weight for the future of our relations with Asia and the Pacific: Germany's policy on Asia and the Pacific has its roots in the intellectual contacts between Germans and Asians and the inhabitants of the Pacific region. We must keep Germany attractive as a location for training Asian experts and managers. Vocational training in the region is a major task for us. In the light of the rapid social change in the region, considerable significance attaches to the long-term social aspects of cooperation. The media sector deserves continual attention and adaptation.

The Federal Government proceeds on the assumption that a visibly increased Asian orientation of its policies will provide a stimulus and evoke suggestions in large parts of the population and encourage business and industry, the federal states and many social groups to step up their commitment in the Asian-Pacific region.

4. For our future cooperation with the region as a whole, our foremost partners will be Japan, China (including the greater Chinese economic area), Korea, the ASEAN states, soon perhaps Viet Nam, Australia and New Zealand, as well as southern Asia, principally India but also Pakistan.

We will make even greater use of the instruments for interregional cooperation between Europe and Asia, particularly EC-ASEAN cooperation.

5. The activation of German policy on Asia and the Pacific presupposes an economic policy that guarantees our companies' international competitiveness and reduces existing obstacles.

International competition among industrial locations is heightening. Other locations are now becoming just as attractive as Germany. Often they can offset disadvantages in other areas through lower wage costs, lower govemment charges and restrictions, and a greater openness to advanced technologies. With increasing global economic integration, improved information flows and greater flexibility on the part of investors, it will become easier to shift value added between production sites. Even modest disadvantages can lead to jobs being moved from one site to another. Not only must wrong structural developments be corrected, but new structural tasks must be tackled. This means, among other things:

6. Our security is in part determined by the situation on the Asian continent. We, too, have an interest in establishing democratic market-oriented constitutions based on the rule of law in the countries of the region as well as in regional stability and in securing peace in Asia and the Pacific (so-called extended security concept). This has to be defined in more detail and the options for an active policy in this sector are to be formulated.

II. Focuses and instruments of our future policy on Asia and the Pacific

1. Economy

The Federal Government's objective is togive the impetus for the further development of economic cooperation with Asia and the Pacific. Mediumsized enterprises must be more strongly involved in this context. Technological cooperation must be further strengthened, as must the presentation of Germany- and in particular of the new federal states- as a promising location for investment.

The range of instruments, information and specific aids available to German entrepreneurs seeking to become active in Asia or the Pacific has improved and expanded over the past few years. The growth of the network of chambers of commerce abroad and the promotion of foreign trade fairs will be a particular priority in the Asian region.

In view of the importance of the construction industry for the economy as a whole, the endeavours (in some sub-sectors already successful) being undertaken by this sector, so vital for the Asian-Pacific market, should be supported. This cooperation can be further enhanced by stepping up the relevant political and diplomatic initiatives.

Wherever it makes sound economic sense, German and Asian-Pacific companies should work more closely together, for instance in the form of joint ventures, in the NIS, in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and in the People's Republic of China. We should encourage appropriate partners in Asia and the Pacific to increase their contribution towards restructuring in the NIS, the countries of Central and Eastem Europe and the People's Republic of China through entrepreneurial commitment.

Trade with and in the Asian-Pacific region is a task for German business and industry. The Federal Government's economic and foreign trade and payments policy provides support in this regard. There must be no "Fortress Europe" shutting off the German and EC markets from the increasing competition from Asia and the Pacific. By the same token, where the countries of Asia and the Pacific practise policies that hamper trade or distort competition, we are urging- in bilateral talks, within the framework of EC trade policy, in GATT and in the OECD- that markets be opened and trade barriers lifted.

The Federal Government is seeking a speedy, successful conclusion to the Uruguay Round of GATT. In this context it is increasingly calling upon the Asian participants to advance the process through positive contributions towards liberalization.

It urges the candidates for accession to GATT- especially the People's Republic of China- to continue resolutely to pursue reforms geared towards market principles and the opening of the markets.

Instruments exist to support the activities of German companies in Asia and the Pacific. They are being further developed and adapted.
Development and increased activities of the network ofchambers ofcommerce abroad

Expansion of the Tokyo chamber; extension of the network to other countries in the region, particularly China and Viet Nam; intensified supraregional cooperation by chambers abroad and delegates' offices in the region.

Speedy expansion of our chambers in Asia and the Pacific, the establishment of special technology and cooperation centres and "German Houses" as recommended by business, or the implementation of technology symposiums by the chambers requires a substantial increase in the contributions made by business.

The economic sections of the embassies and consulates-general in the countries of Asia and the Pacific have been expanded in recent years. The promotion of German business interests in the Asian-Pacific region is a priority for Germany's missions. This includes, in particular, the simplification and acceleration of the necessary administrative procedures.

The Asia-Pacific conferences meeting in the region must be made an effective instrument for coordination among the relevant ministries and institutions (participants: chambers of commerce abroad, business associations, diplomatic missions, Federal Ministry of Economics, Federal Foreign Office, Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Federal Office of Foreign Trade Information). The next Asia-Pacific conference will take place in Bangkok in the spring of 1994.

The Federal Government welcomes the foundation of the Asia-Pacific Committee of German business and industry. This body is intended to coordinate and promote concrete Asia-related initiatives by the private sector.

Policy on foreign trade fairs

The Asian-Pacific region has been a focus of our trade fair policy for over a decade.

The first TECHNOGERMA trade fair took place in Jakarta in 1979. The highlights of our trade fair activities were the TECHNOGERMA fairs in New Delhi in 1988 and in Seoul in 1991. Parallel to this, the number of official German contributions to trade fairs in Asia rose from 15 in 1979 to 59 in 1993. Thus in 1993, 45 % of events promoted worldwide are being held in Asian-Pacific locations. We have participated continuously in trade fairs over the last 15 years. The figures in the 90s are as follows: 1990 = 43, 1991 53, 1992 = 36, 1993 = 59.

Advisory assistance on foreign trade and payments

The Federal Ministry of Economics runs, within the region and in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, advisory events for exporters from the Asian-Pacific region. Such events are planned for China, Korea, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Export credit insurance

The Federal Government pursues a rather open cover policy adapted to the risk and transfer situation of the individual country. In particular, there are no restrictions in the shave of ceilings for Asian countries.

Investment promotion

Direct investments in the Asian-Pacific region are accompanied and secured by a particularly dense network of bilateral investment agreements. The Federation assumes investment guarantees on this basis. In addition, the DEG (German Finance Company for Investments in Developing Countries) helps to finance investment in the Asian-Pacific region through investments or investment-like loans.

In view of the particularly active promotion of German economic relations with Asia and the Pacific by the federal states, increased coordination between the Federal Ministry of Economics and the federal states in the Federation/Länder foreign trade and payments committee and in the conference of economics ministers of the federal states is useful and necessary.

The opening of global markets sought by the Federal Government will afford huge opportunities for the German food industry in particular to share in the growing market for foodstuffs and specialities. Consequently, not only manufactured products but also high-quality foodstuffs from industrial countries must be given easier access to Asian-Pacific markets in the context of the economic development of Asian-Pacific countries.

1.4 EC activities
One fundamental aspect of an active policy towards Asia and the Pacific must be the development of relations between the European Community and the countries and regions of Asia and the Pacific. The Federal Government supports the conclusion of "third-generation cooperation agreements" like that recently negotiated with India. A cooperation agreement with Viet Nam is being prepared.

The "third-generation agreements" cover a large number of areas of cooperation (generally cooperation on trade, agricultural and food policy, rural and social development, science and technology, environmental protection, energy) and contain a clause permitting new fields to be opened up by mutual agreement and with no need for a formal revision of the agreement. Cooperation relations are based on respect for democratic principles and human rights. Mixed cooperation committees are set up to implement the agreements.

Relations with ASEAN, the EC's longest-standing cooperation partner, must, in a new cooperation agreement, be set on a foundation which takes account of the new quality of relations (no longer the industrial nation versus developing country model, but an equal partnership). The private sector must be involved in EC-ASEAN cooperation.

The EC should establish relations with APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). The EC Commission has been asked to submit proposals in this connection. APEC, whose members are the six ASEAN states, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Japan, Canada, Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, is the coordinating body for one of the world's most important economic regions. The EC should try to increase its influence on that organization.

It is also in our interest to employ highly qualified experts from Asia and the Pacific in German enterprises. This should not be hindered, but encouraged.

2. Scientific and technological cooperation

The technological future will be decisively determined by hightechnology Japan, by Korea and by South-East Asia.

Within the framework of the cooperation agreements with Japan, the People's Republic of China, India, the Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand, there has developed over the past few years a fruitful dialogue and a dense network of scientific relations with joint research and development projects. This cooperation must be further developed and expanded in line with fixed objectives.

A new initiative in cooperation with Japan was launched with the Cooperation Council for High Technology and the Environment proposed by Chancellor Kohl.

The Cooperation Council's task will be the joint analysis of trends in technology with a view to arriving at intensified scientific-technological and entrepreneurial-economic cooperation in concrete projects, as well as the identification and evaluation of fields of cooperation and the implementation of elaborated concepts.

An agreement is being prepared which will intensify cooperation with Singapore.

One focus of cooperation with Asia and the Pacific based on entrepreneurial initiative will, by the very nature of things, be the products of the advanced and high technology spheres. A number of Asian-Pacific countries have built up their own research and development capacities. This opens up new prospects for German direct investment and for technological joint ventures. In India we are making use of reasonably priced engineering capacities, particularly in the software branch.

As a leading technology country in processing, energy and environmental technologies, Germany places particular emphasis on these areas. At the same time, the region's growing requirement for research-intensive products and processes calls for increased commitment on the part of German business and industry, not least in its traditional strongholds such as mechanical engineering, chemistry, electronics, telecommunications and Transport.

Technology transfer, from licensing to technological joint ventures, opens up new markets.

Technology transfer is also promoted through technical cooperation, scientific-technological cooperation and economic cooperation agreements.

3. Environment

In Asia and the Pacific, -industrialization and population growth (2%p.a. on average) are leading to heavy strains on the environment with considerable local, regional and global repercussions. Rising energy requirements, which are still being covered largely by outdated technologies using fossil fuels, are causing an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. (China alone currently causes 9.5 % of global CO2 emissions.)

Programmes to promote the use of energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources are of particular importance. Such programmes are met with great interest in China, India and Indonesia, the countries with the biggest CO2 growth potential. Here substantial investment is needed, and there are high expectations of financial assistance from Western donors. German development cooperation will continue to concentrate its programmes on this area, using as far as possible environmental technologies developed in Germany.

For most countries in the Asian-Pacific region, environmental policy is not a priority just now. We must therefore discuss environmental issues more frequently with Asian governments.

The Federal Government has to date concluded conventions and agreements on environmental protection cooperation with Australia, China, Singapore and Indonesia, focusing on air purification, waste minimization, recycling and disposal, waste water treatment, disposal and avoidance, plant safety, chemical safety, environmental monitoring, assessment, management and administration.

Special mention must be made of the German-Singapore Environmental Technology Agency set up in cooperation with Singapore's Environment Ministry to support the transfer of environmental know-how and technology in Asia.

Our future cooperation must set out from the transfer of environmental technologies and the provision of know-how on the application of environmental technology. For environmentally sound development, the countries of Asia and the Pacific also need assistance with the sustainable utilization of their natural resources (e.g. tropical forests, land management), with environmental Legislation and with the development of efficient environmental administration services.

Thanks to its good reputation and active pursuit of cooperation, German industry can expect additional contracts in this field. It offers a wide range of products and techniques. There is scope here for cooperation with private and governmental partners in the Asian-Pacific region.

4. Telecommunications

Both the Federal Government and the govemments of a number of Asian-Pacific states have recognized telecommunications as being a key sector of the infrastructure and a prerequisite for economic growth. This applies, for instance, to Japan, the People's Republic of China, Indonesia, Korea and Thailand.

The Federal Government's policy in this area takes different forms depending on the prevailing structures in the partner country:

Further objectives of German policy are:

In order to realize this policy the Federal Government

5. Development cooperation

The supreme objective of development cooperation with Asia and the Pacific is to improve the economic and social situation of the people in the region and to develop their creative abilities. This includes a marketoriented, social economic order with a sense of responsibility for the environment, government activity oriented to development, respect for human rights, participation of the people in the political decision-making process, and legal stability.

Combating poverty by promoting productive employment and establishing a population policy integrated into education and health promotion are at the heart of development cooperation with the poor and densely populated countries of the region. The aim is for industrializing countries in Asia and the Pacific to become more competitive and more efficient through technology transfer and the provision of technical skills and training.

The Federal Government continues to place particular emphasis on programmes to combat poverty, secure the food supply, promote education, reduce population growth and preserve natural resources. More attention must be paid to the problems of urbanization. The dramatic advance in the rural destruction of Asia, accompanied by population expansion, suggests that in the medium term some countries will face a food supply crisis. Possible repercussions going beyond the boundaries of the region must be countered in good time. For details of environmental policy see also section 3.

As a result of the pressure to open up their markets and adapt their agricultural sector, a number of Asian and Pacific countries (e.g. Korea, Thailand, Japan) are showing a deep interest in Germany's experience in these areas. The existing exchange of relevant experience should be expanded.

Governmental development cooperation can be brought into play to support private cooperation in the following fields: improvement of framework conditions for investment, vocational training, also in high technology, support for business and industry's self-administering authorities, and promotion of interregional cooperation.

In countries in transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy, support for economic reform, including legal advice, is particularly important. The experiences of German companies established in these countries, as well as of the chambers of commerce, should be taken into account.

A number of advanced countries in South-East Asia are in the process of initiating development cooperation of their own with less advanced countries, predominantly within the region. We are prepared to help them create appropriate administrative structures and will look for concrete possibilities for trilateral cooperation where it brings advantages.

For further information see the "Concept for Development Cooperation with the Countries of Asia", which is in tune with the Federal Government's concept on Asia as detailed in this paper.

6. Cooperation on education, science and culture; vocational training; the media; sociopolitical dialogue

Despite long-standing close relations with the representatives of the intellectual elite in Asia and the Pacific, and notwithstanding substantial cultural work in the region over the past few years, we are not sufficiently familiar with the intellectual, emotional and- in the broadest sense- cultural trends in the Asian-Pacific countries today. The same is true in the other direction. Existing cultural ties with the countries of the region have rather tended to weaken. For example, the German universities, which used to play a very significant role in the education of the young elite (in Indonesia and Thailand, for instance, and formerly in Japan), have declined in influence in Asia and the Pacific. One exception is China, which makes extensive use of German universities and specialized training institutions. Our cultural, scientif ic and sociopolitical cooperation with Viet Nam is targeted in particular at the large number of Vietnamese who were trained in the former GDR.

Since we are subject to budgetary restrictions, we must set distinct priorities. There is much which does not necessarily need to be done and financed via government. It must be possible to establish and maintain social contacts without government finance as well.

It is intended to establish a Goethe Institute in Hanoi soon, not least in order to preserve and foster relations between the many German-speaking Vietnamese and Germany. In this connection, cultural policy resources are put to use to cultivate a valuable asset for Germany's future presence in Viet-Nam.

With regard to universities, the aim is both to bring future executives from Asian-Pacific countries to Germany and to familiarize German students with these countries at first hand where possible.

In awarding scholarships we concentrate on graduate students and academics. This should be done largelv within the scope of existing university twinning agreements. Promotion of project-related academic exchanges should be stepped up.

Further, more scholarships should be granted to Germans, Asians and inhabitants of the Pacific region to attend short, practical language courses and placements.

The successful "Language and Practice in Japan" programme should be expanded; such programmes should be extended to other countries in Asia.

Practically oriented academic further-training institutions in the region itself, such as the Asian Institute for Technology in Bangkok, are of special significance here. Increasing use should be made of them by German businesses for further training of staff members envisaged for assignments in Asia and the Pacific.

The subject of training staff for Asia and the Pacific should also be discussed more intensively with representatives of business and industry.

The promotion of vocational training (the dual system is highly regarded throughout the region) remains a major across-the-board task for all relevant ministries, for the federal states and for business organizations. In particular, the German chambers of commerce abroad must be more firmly encouraged to collaborate with German companies on the spot to establish local vocational training institutions along the lines of the German model. Involving the chambers of commerce is so important because, through iheir presence on the spot, they guarantee the constancy of school operators and of training standards.

Advertising of German technical colleges should be intensified.

In Asia and the Pacific we are conducting the cultural and sociopolitical dialogue with partners who are influenced more strongly than is the case elsewhere by their own independent value systems and who, encouraged by their countries' successful development, assert this independence with confidence. In this light we are endeavouring, with some success, to conduct a pragmatic dialogue on values in a spirit of partnership. In the sociopolitical sphere, however, we must exert influence knowing full weil that we can look for success only in the long term.

One key element of this dialogue is the discussion on human rights. Following some irritations in recent years, there is now a chance to find more common ground. We must also involve social forces in this discussion. But we must proceed with tact and caution, especially in countries with authoritarian structures.

One approach for good long-term work is provided by an intensified dialogue on the legal systems and the importance of legal security for development and the economic system. We will be making a start on this with China, and a similar offer has been extended to Viet Nam.

A dialogue on social developments in the region is growing in importance, also in economic terms.

More than hitherto, the target groups for the long-term sociopolitical dialogue must be those social groups whose influence expands in line with economic development and who are increasingly claiming the right to be involved in the political process: the urban technocrat middle classes, employees' representatives and the intellectual elite. Above all, the political foundations should make the promotion of this "civilian society" their central task.

In the longer term, the dialogue on values with the societies of Asia and the Pacific will have to cover religious issues, too.

Our heightened interest in the Asian-Pacific region is reflected in the new concept of political public relations activities abroad (1992):

This demands flexibility in allocating resources for the diplomatic missions in the region.

Furthermore, greater attention should be paid in the German media to Asia and the Pacific, not only to increase German companies' interest in economic activity there, but also to raise acceptance. One way to step up the German media presence in Asia and the Pacific- over and above the existing programmes on Deutsche Welle- may be to encourage private media organizations to become active in the region.

As of 1995, by expanding the satellite television service provided by Deutsche Welle and activating another satellite transponder, we will be able to inform more people in Asia and the Pacific about our country and our views.

By the same token, the political foundations active in the region should present their wealth of experience and their knowledge of the region and the political, social, cultural and economic ties more comprehensively in Germany in order to attract wider attention to what is going on in Asia and the Pacific.

The expertise of the Asian institutes and fora, as well as the relevant institutes at the universities, should be exploited to the full.

7. The tasks of foreign policy

In the political dialogue with Asian-Pacific leaders at all levels we must

Our policy on Asia and the Pacific must be visibly and audibly implemented.

Our foremost political concerns in Asia and the Pacific are:

8. The tasks of security policy

By means of a broad-based security and strategic dialogue covering in particular elements of arms control policy, we hope to contribute towards international stability and peace in the sense of the United Nations Charter. In this regard the Federal Government plans to intensify its contacts in order to

The Federal Government also intends in this context to raise the following problems, relevant to our security, in the dialogue with the countries of the region:


For Germany there is no alternative to dialogue and cooperation with the countries and regional organizations of Asia and the Pacific. The dynamic developments in many countries in this region make them important trading and investment partners for us. Asia and the Pacific are high on the agenda of German foreign policy and foreign trade and payments policy. Our longstanding good relations with Asian-Pacific countries help us to react to developments in the area with a policy beneficial to us and to our cooperation with Asia and the Pacific. We want to bring together all elements in Germany interested in this area, particularly govemment, business, the academic community and cultural groups. Only in this way can we have any prospect of success in the Asian-Pacific region.

[Source: The Federal Government's Concept on Asia, Documentation, Bonn 1995, pp. 20-39]