Spenden für die Stiftung Asienhaus

Civil Society Dialogue on the Belt and Road Initiative

Jakarta-Bandung Speedtrain Railway, a view from the entrance to the impacted village (Photo © Joanna Klabisch)

Von Mai 2020 bis Oktober 2022 leitete das China-Programm das Projekt "Civil Society in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative". Das Ziel war, Dialogräume, zivilgesellschaftliche Advocacy und Kooperation in Südostasien im Kontext der Belt and Road Initiative zu fördern. Eine detaillierte Dokumentation des Projekts liegt nun auf Englisch vor.

Despite its benefits, the Belt and Road Initiative can also have negative impacts on the environment and local communities. With this project, we aimed to empower and connect civil society actors in China, Southeast Asia, and Europe. To achieve this, the project engaged with civil society and their concerns about various Belt and Road projects in Indonesia. Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, our project could bring civil society actors together and achieve sustainable solutions. This brochure summarizes the different cases we conducted fieldwork on and provides insights into our work process.


Joanna Klabisch and Christian Straube lead the China Program at Stiftung Asienhaus. They studied East Asian studies with a focus on China and modern Sinology at the University of Heidelberg and at universities in China. Since her studies and subsequent stays in China, Joanna Klabisch has been working on Chinese civil society, environmental protection, and social justice. As part of his doctoral research, Christian Straube examined Chinese investments in East and Central Africa, as well as the China-Africa discourse.

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