Spenden für die Stiftung Asienhaus

China’s New Silk Roads: Exploring the Emerging Worlds of Chinese Globalization

Am 10. November 2017 fand eine vom China-Programm der Stiftung Asienhaus und der Universität zu Köln gemeinsam organisierte Konferenz zu Chinas neuen Seidenstraßen statt. Die Veranstaltung fand in englischer Sprache statt.

On Friday the 10th November 2017, Susanne Brandtstädter, Department of Anthropology and Global South Studies Center, University of Cologne and Nora Sausmikat, Stiftung Asienhaus, Cologne invited academics and representatives of civil society organizations to take part in this one-day workshop.

In this one-day workshop, participants jointly explored the contours of a new, China-centered globalization, by deconstructing BRI’s narrative(s), exploring its human dimensions in cases from Africa and Asia, by focusing on the social life of infrastructural investments and by assessing the financial, political and institutional shifts connected to it. 

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Nora Saumikat

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