Spenden für die Stiftung Asienhaus

Video: Hunan Aimier and Chickenshed: Stewards of the Social Environment

Episode 3 of 7 documentaries. Implemented by: University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) and University of Nottingham

This documentary features the socialenterprise Hunan Aimier in China and the #socialenterprise Chickenshed in the UK. Aimier is committed to the rehabilitation, education, and vocational training of people with intellectual disabilities and children with autistic disorder in Hunan, China. Aimier hopes that people with disabilities can enjoy freedom, equality and respect in life.

This video ist the third of a seven-part documentary series 'Stewards of the Social Environment' was directed and produced by Dr Andreas Fulda in 2013. It tells the stories of seven female social entrepreneurs from Europe and China.

All seven episodes will be made available from 15 October 2013 till 15 January 2014. They will be uploaded sequentially every fortnight onto social media websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Youku, and Tudou.

More information about the social documentary project can be found on scoop.it/t/social-entrepreneurship-in-europe-and-china

Director and Producer: Andreas Fulda
Camera: James Bedford, Erik Schicketanz, and Andreas Fulda
Music: Dave Carey
Editor: James Bedford and Andreas Fulda
Subtitles: Chen Hangyu
Special thanks: Sujing Xu, Sophie Bouvier, Andrea Lane, Karen Lim, Rosaria Franco, Wilfried Fulda and Astrid Roth.
Funded by: European Union.

Video on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/79171953 

Video on Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjMzNTk5NTU2.html


Fulda, Andreas
