Spenden für die Stiftung Asienhaus

Webseite 'China Renewable Energy Information' aktualisiert

Since the last update of my website www.frankhaugwitz.info “China Renewable Energy Information” early 2009 I just recently have added plenty of documents covering all sections. In the meantime since its launch in late 2006, I have added more than 1450 documents, with Photovoltaic the largest section accounting almost 50%.

As usual, my presentations given in the course of last year can be found under www.frankhaugwitz.info/aboutme.html

The principal reason for the long pause to update my website was the workload within the “EU-China Energy & Environment Programme” (EEP) which finally terminated at the end of November. The last two years within the EEP have been an extremely interesting and challenging time, especially in realizing a number of projects under the given circumstances and within the remaining period.
Quelle: China Renewale Energy Information


Frank Haugwitz
