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Symposium: The Santa Cruz Massacre 1991: Thirty Years on

Das Massaker auf dem Santa-Cruz Friedhof in Dili am 12. November 1991 war ein Wendepunkt: Es veränderte entschieden die internationale Aufmerksamkeit für das Streben Osttimors nach Unabhängigkeit. Die Bilder vom Massaker, gefilmt von Max Stahl, gingen um die Welt.

Die Mauer aus Realpolitik und Ignoranz, mit der die Staatengemeinschaft gemeinhin dem Konflikt begegnete, bekam Risse. Weltweit gründeten sich Solidaritätsgruppen. In Indonesien öffneten die Aufnahmen des Massakers den Demokratie- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen die Augen für den Konflikt. Fortan wuchs der Schulterschluss zwischen den demokratischen Kräften in Indonesien und den Widerstandskräften in Osttimor. 

30 Jahre später, vom 9 - 10. Nov. 2021, lud die Timor-Leste Studies Association (TLSA) zusammen mit dem Centro Nacional Chega! (CNC) Zeitzeugen wie Mitglieder des zivilen und bewaffneten Wderstandes sowie Aktivist:innen aus Indonesien, Portugal und weltweit, Wissenschaftler:innen und zivilgesellschaftliche Kräfte zum Internationalen Symposium "The Santa Cruz Massace, 1991: Thirty Years on" ein. Das Symposium wurde unterstützt von der Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) und der Universidade Aberta (UAb).

Die Veranstaltung ist dem Gedenken an Max Stahl (6. Dezember 1954 - 28. Oktober 2021) gewidmet.

Die vollständigen Videoaufzeichnungen des Online-Symposiums "The Santa Cruz Massacre, 1991: Thirty Years On"  sind jetzt online verfügbar:

Opening remarks, Symposium The Santa Cruz Massacre, Thirty Years on (9-10 November 2021): Opening session featuring Dr Hannah Loney (Timor-Leste Studies Association); Father Jovito de Araujo (Centro Nacional Chega!); His Excellency Dr. José Ramos-Horta.

Panel 1, Symposium: The Santa Cruz Massacre, Thirty Years on (9-10 November 2021): Speakers: Zélia Pereira and Rui Graça Feijó, ‘To Go or Not to Go? The Stillborn Visit of the Portuguese Parliamentarians to Timor-Leste’; Egas Alves, ‘Preparing the Santa Cruz Demonstration and Dealing with its Aftermath: A Firsthand Account’; and Hannah Loney, ‘The Politics of the Visible: An Axial Moment for East Timorese Women?’ Chair: Michael Leach

Panel 2: Impact in Indonesia:  Panel 2: Nuno Rodrigues Tchailoro, ‘Reprezentasaun Manifestasaun 12 Novembru iha Media Imprime Indonézia’; Vannessa Hearman, ‘Confronting Annexation and its Legacies: Indonesian Elite Responses in Dealing with the 1991 Dili Massacre’, and Mica Barreto Soares and Abel Pires da Silva, ‘The Santa Cruz Massacre and the Timorese Student Resistance Movements in Indonesia.’ Chair: Mica Barreto Soares.

Panel 3: Resistance Histories: Presenters: - João Soares Martins, Helen Hill, and Kayli Wild, ‘Former Falintil Commander Ernesto Dudu Fernandes and the Santa Cruz Massacre’ - Ernesto ‘Dudu’ Fernandes, ‘Response and Reflections’ - Cássio Daniel Siqueira, Gabriela Araújo Tabosa de Vasconcelos, Tamara Miranda de Moura, e Samuel Penteado Urban, ‘Uma Análise Acerca do Massacre de Santa Cruz nos Anais da TL Studies Association’ - Chair: Virgilio da Silva Guterres

Panel 4: Foreign policy impacts: Presenters: • Clinton Fernandes, ‘US Congressional Action before Santa Cruz: A Structure of Legitimacy, 1977-1991’ • David Hicks, ‘Santa Cruz and the International Community’ • Peter Job, ‘The Santa Cruz Massacre and the Australian Foreign Policy Response’ - Chair: Zélia Pereira

Panel 5: Everyday Memory and Resistance: Presenters: • José da Costa, ‘Experiences of Clandestine Organising in Dili After the Santa Cruz Massacre’ • Michael Leach, ‘Santa Cruz and Clandestine Strategy’ • Lia Kent, ‘Santa Cruz Memory, the State and the Restless Dead’ - Chair: Nuno Rodrigues Tchailoro

Panel 6: Santa Cruz in Art & Literature: Presenter:  Hérica A. J. da C. Pinheiro, ‘Representações do Massacre de Santa Cruz na Produção Literária entre os Anos de 1991 e 2000’; Leonor Veiga, ‘The Santa Cruz Massacre and its Role for Contemporary Arts Practices’ - Chair: Lúcio Sousa

Panel 7: International Solidarity and Human Rights Activism: Presenters: • Abel dos Santos and Ann Wigglesworth, ‘The Legacy of Santa Cruz for Timorese Youth Activism and Development Initiatives’ • John Waddingham, David Webster, and Jazmine Aldrich, ‘New Archival Records on Santa Cruz from Solidarity Movement Collections’ - Chair: Hannah Loney

Panel 8: Remembering and Commemorating Santa Cruz: Presenters: • Amy Rothschild, ‘Remembering 12 November’ • Damian Grenfell, ‘Santa Cruz: Urban Spaces, Sites of Transgression and the National Imaginary’ • Silvia Garcia Nogueira, ‘Quando a Distância não Apaga a Luz dos que se Foram: Percepções Antropológicas de Cerimônias das Velas por Estudantes Timorenses no Porto (Portugal) e em Campina Grande (Brasil)’ - Chair: Marisa Ramos Gonçalves

Closing Session, Symposium The Santa Cruz Massacre, Thirty Years on (9-10 November 2021): Speakers: • Hugo Fernandes (Centro Nacional Chega!) • Michael Leach (Timor-Leste Studies Association) - Chair: Marisa Ramos Gonçalves

Organising Committee: Dr Vannessa Hearman (Curtin University), Mr Hugo Fernandes (CNC), Professor Michael Leach (Swinburne University of Technology), Dr Hannah Loney (Central European University), Dr Marisa Ramos Gonçalves (Centro de Estudos Sociais – UC), and Rogerio Savio (independent researcher, Timor-Leste).

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