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Neuer Blickwechsel: Germany’s Geo-economic Power, the New MDB landscape and the Asian Development Bank

Rechtzeitig vor der Jahresversammlung der Asiatischen Entwicklungsbank in Frankfurt am Main Anfang Mai blickt Dorothy Grace Guerrero in ihrem Artikel hinter die Kulissen der regionalen Entwicklungsbank und beleuchtet die Rolle Deutschlands als größten europäischen Teilhaber.

It is hardly known to German taxpayers, that they are one of the major shareholders in the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Even less is known about the role it plays, through its contributions and voting power, in this financial institution that is shaping the economies of many Asian countries.

As the richest European economy playing a prominent role in the Eurozone and the fourth biggest globally by nominal domestic product, Germany is a mighty geo-economic power that plays a big role in determining and consolidating the current neoliberal economic growth model. It is one of the world’s biggest global capital exporter and its products enjoy huge global trade surpluses rivaled only by China. This power, described by Stephen Szabo as “underrated” 1 was built from practicing a foreign policy largely shaped by big business and financial interests. This realpolitik prioritizes the country’s economic prosperity above other interests that may or may not coincide with the US and Germany’s European partners.


Dorothy Grace Guerrero is a freelance author and analyst based in London. She works with social movements and NGOs on climate and
economic justice issues.

She can be contacted through dorothy.guerrero@gmail.com

Publiziert am
, Köln
in Schriftenreihe:
Blickwechsel, Mai 2016

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