Spenden für die Stiftung Asienhaus

China Programme

About us

The China Programme regards itself as an innovation and knowledge platform for civil society dialogue with China. It is active in education, outreach and networking, as well as the implementation of dialogue programmes.

The aim of our work is to provide in-depth knowledge about China, its civil society and its changing role in the world. This is done in the context of an on-the-ground dialogue in China, cooperative knowledge creation together with Chinese civil society actors, a European China policy and a multilateral global climate policy.

The China Programme is linked to the foundation's guiding principle of "humanly just, socially just, environmentally just". It is committed to strengthening social and political participation and to protecting the environment. Its projects are intended to lead to the realisation of social, ecological and human rights standards in German/European-Chinese relations through politics and business.

Articles in English

Blickwechsel China: BRI und Südostasien

In dem Policy Briefing "Chinese infrastructure investments in Southeast Asia and their implications for the region" stellt Narayanan Ganesan die…


Bilateral Issues in Myanmar's Policy towards China

Auf den ersten Blick scheint die Beziehung zwischen China und Myanmar asymmetrisch zu sein. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass China infolge Myanmars…


Sanya Talk: Horst Fabian on Shrinking Spaces in China

This is essay has been elaborated based on a speech delivered in Sanya, Hainan, during the yearly workshop of the EU – China NGO Twinning Programme as…


China’s New Silk Roads: Exploring the Emerging Worlds of Chinese Globalization

Am 10. November 2017 fand eine vom China-Programm der Stiftung Asienhaus und der Universität zu Köln gemeinsam organisierte Konferenz zu Chinas neuen…


Silk Road Bottom-Up: Regional voices on the Belt and Road Initiative

Asia, and above all, China is playing a major role in implementing development and sustainability goals, as well as working towards global climate…


Blickwechsel: Two Belts, One Road? The role of Africa in China’s Belt & Road Initiative

In diesem Policy Briefing erweitert Julia Breuer unsere Perspektive über die Seidenstraßenstrategie indem sie aufzeigt, dass diese nicht nur Eurasien,…
